It’s not too early to register for Bee School XXIII! It will be here before you know it and REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!
Register by mail
Complete and mail the form (click here) with your check or money order to the address indicated on the form.
Online registration
Click here to register. If already a TBoI member, go directly to Step 2, click the drop down menu and select the appropriate registration (Bee School, Bee School Beginning Class, Bee School Vendor).
(NOTE: A small fee will be added to process online transactions.)
- If not registering for an event with your membership, complete the Membership section and go directly to the Identification section.
- If you would like to join TBoI while also registering to attend Bee School, be sure to visit the Events section (Section 2) after visiting the Membership section (Section 1), before moving to the Identification section. Join now and register for the event at a reduced fee by becoming a TBoI member!
Bee School XXIII Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speaker is Zach Lamas. Zac became fascinated with moving insects while growing up on grandfather’s farm in Salisbury, New Hampshire. He received his doctorate in entomology at the University of Maryland.
Zach was encouraged to apply and was accepted to become an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) fellow with the United States Department of Agriculture and their Agricultural Research Service Research Participation Program (USDA ARS).
Lamas’ research project revolves around the feeding behavior and distribution of Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite, on adult bees of Apis mellifera, also known as honeybees. Due to the dynamic nature of the vector-host-pathogen system, there are a lot of gaps in the current knowledge of interactions on adult bees. Lamas has already quantified the rate in which the parasitic mite feeds on bee colonies through previous research conducted through his doctorate program. He plans to build upon those findings with his current research and use that information to close the knowledge gaps.

Our second Keynote Speaker is Dan Winter. A third-generation beekeeper, Dan started keeping bees when he was eight. He spends a lot of his time on the road between upstate New York where his bees forage on wildflowers and Florida where his bees pollinate citrus crops and produce orange blossom honey.
Mr. Winter was the president of the Empire State Honey Producers, is the past-president of the American Beekeeping Federation, and a member of The Florida Beekeepers Association. When asked about his favorite way to eat honey, he replied that it’s a grilled cheese sandwich with honey.
Some of the topics being discussed for Bee School XXIII are:
Spring Feeding, Hive Inspection, Pest and Diseases, Hive Products, Making Nucs for Backup Queens, Tropilaelaps Mites, and Calendar of a Beekeeper.
Agenda details will be published as they are finalized.

A special rate ($119) has been arranged at the Courtyard Marriot. It’s attached to the conference center, making the walk to Bee School lots more comfortable if the temperature is in the 30s (this is Indiana, after all!).
Courtyard Muncie at Horizon Convention Center
601 South High Street Muncie, Indiana, USA, 47305
If you would like to suggest a topic, have an interest in speaking or volunteering at this event, or would like to participate as a vendor, contact Mike or Debbie Seib (beekeepers.indiana@yahoo.com).