Indiana Bee-related Policies

Honey Sales Information

TBoI Resources
        Home-based Vendors-Information
        Home-based Vendors-More Information
        Selling Honey in Indiana

Links to Indiana Honey-related Guidance – Honey Production & Sales
        Indiana DNR links
        Indiana Honey Labelling Information (Indiana DNR)

        Indiana Department of Health links
        Indiana Honey Production and Sales
        Registration Application for Manufacturer, Processor, Repackager or Wholesale Distributor of Food, Drugs or Cosmetics – State Form 13054
        Starting a Wholesale Food Business in Indiana  

Indiana Bee-related Zoning Ordinances

In support of beekeepers across Indiana, TBoI has partnered with Indiana legislators to draft legislation that supports beekeeping throughout the state. Public Law 193 (passed 2 May 2019) and Public Law 159 (passed 13 Mar 2024) prohibit restrictions against beekeeping in municipalities and HOA-managed neighborhoods, respectively. Public Law 159 includes include guidance that can be leveraged in the establishment of new ordinances in Indiana municipalities or Restrictive Covenants (or amendments thereto) for HOA-managed neighborhoods.
Public Law 193 (municipalities)
Public Law 159 (HOA-managed neighborhoods)

Municipal Ordinances (if you are aware of others, please let us know!)

Code of Ordinances Sec. 91.20
Unified Zoning Ordinance Sec. 5.7.2
Code of Ordinances Sec. 90.20
Sec. 743-304. – Agricultural, animal related, and food production uses.
E.2. Garden as a primary use.Sec. 743-306. – Accessory and temporary uses.
V. Personal garden.

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